I support women with endometriosis to reduce their pain, digestive symptoms and fatigue using herbal medicine, simple lifestyle changes and nutrition.

FREE GUIDE: Endometriosis is not an oestrogen dominant condition. Find out why focusing on hormones is not enough and what you can do instead.

Your blueprint for managing endometriosis naturally with Ayurveda

Hi, I’m Lara

I am a qualified Ayurvedic Practitioner and Pharmacist. Through my 12 week one-to-one programme, I support women with endometriosis who are frustrated with their current treatment options and feel they have nowhere to turn.



  • Does this sound like you?

    You do not want to rely solely on surgery and medication to address endometriosis symptoms. You are experiencing side effects or feel that medication only masks the problem. You are willing and committed to your health goals and no longer want to feel like endometriosis is holding you back from opportunities and success in life.

  • Book a free call

    Let's discuss your unique needs and how us working together can address the underlying reasons causing unmanageable symptoms and flares. Although endometriosis is considered a chronic condition, remission and high quality of life is most definitely achievable. Book a discovery call here.

  • One-to-one support over 12 weeks

    Receive dedicated support, non-restrictive nutrition advice, herbal medicines, supplements, and simple lifestyle recommendations to help you take back control of your life and health.



‘I came to Lara because I had been suffering with intense pain; my pelvis felt inflamed around the first days of my period and I had nausea so bad it would stop me from sleeping but make it very difficult get of out of bed. After just one session with Lara, and after following the course of herbs and diet, my next period was totally pain free and three months later, has continued to be so! Read in Full

— Hebe

‘I reached out to Lara to help control pain related to endometriosis. I described the pain as a ‘hot iron’ that nothing seemed to help. I have previously had laparoscopic surgery where endo was found and removed from my bladder and bowel. After only two sessions with Lara, my pain greatly reduced and I no longer have severe bloating. Despite recent stressful events in my life my pain has not flared like it would have done previously. My pain is now minimal, I can’t believe the difference’ Read in full

— Suzanne, healthcare professional

‘The change in my symptoms has been dramatic. As well as a chronic pelvic pain and heavy periods, I was also experiencing bloating, low energy and general frustration what endometriosis seemed to be dictating my life. I feel healthier and happier now than I can remember. Lara has been a blessing, so compassionate and knowledgeable, she cannot do enough to help you. I have only used my pain medication twice this month, which would have been impossible before’ Read in full

— Claire, Teacher


A healthy balance of Ayurveda and modern medicine. Learn more about how you can incorporate some Ayurvedic principles into your life.