My bespoke one-to-one programme for endometriosis

This 12-week programme combines my knowledge of modern and Ayurvedic medicine. It provides you with the time and step by step support needed to see meaningful improvements in your endometriosis symptoms and overall wellbeing. 


  • Initial 75 minute in-depth consultation that will cover all aspects of your health including medical history, symptoms, medications, supplements, diet, lifestyle, stress and routines

  • Five further follow up sessions at 2 week intervals (typically 30-45 minutes each)

  • Nutrition advice based on your Ayurvedic constitution and functional medicine principles

  • Personalised herbal medicine blends which may include powders, tablets and external oils (sent to you after consultation and throughout the 12 weeks)

  • Medicinal remedies

  • Lifestyle recommendations

  • Supplement recommendations (purchased at a discount)

  • Traditional Eastern Medicine practices such as meditations, mindful practices, and breathwork (pranayama)

  • Continued email/WhatsApp support between sessions

  • Optional: written report to your GP to discuss progress and any ongoing recommendations (at your disclosure)

I only work with a small number of clients at once. This is so I can dedicate time to preparing resources and practices that will be of most benefit. 


Calming the nervous system

Establishing a balanced digestive fire (agni), the foundation of good gut and microbiome health

Optimising the body’s natural detox pathways

Pain management techniques

Evaluate your stress response and stress management techniques

Reducing inflammation

Immune system support

Rejuvenation therapies

This is achieved through evaluation and removal of contributing causes, Ayurvedic nutrition, herbal medicines, lifestyle and routines. These are specific to your unique mind-body profile

This treatment is well suited to you if:

Have a suspected or confirmed diagnosis of endometriosis/adenomyosis and are looking for holistic and natural support. This can as your primary form of management or in conjunction with surgical treatment.

You want to see a reduction in pain, menstrual & digestive symptoms, and increased energy

You would like a deeper connection to your body and develop the trust that your body can heal

You would like to try something different. Ayurvedic nutrition is not the same as western nutrition

You would like tailored guidance and support that adapts to your needs over time

You seek more than physical wellbeing. This programme can also benefit mental, emotional, and spiritual health

You have the time and are willing to commit to your health goals 

I would not recommend this treatment if:

You are looking for a quick fix

You want a set food plan and endless recipes. My work focuses on food education so you can build your own nutritious and balancing recipes.

You would not like to implement any changes to your diet or lifestyle

You are not curious or open-minded to the benefits of alternative or complementary medicine

Your symptoms have recently changed, and these have not been discussed and investigated with your GP/specialist. As a registered Pharmacist, I uphold my responsibility to refer you to a more appropriate service if necessary