The science of longevity and life


 Ayurveda is translated as the science of life. Originating from India 5000 years ago, it is one of the oldest medical systems in the world. Despite its ancient roots, the principles of Ayurveda are timeless as they centre on bringing the body back into balance with the external environment. Ayurveda is still widely practiced throughout India and Sri Lanka, where there is mounting scientific evidence to support its effectiveness. Ayurveda as a medical system is recognised by the World Health Organisation. It is my aim is to empower individual health and wellbeing through Ayurveda and to draw attention to this powerful science as an effective way to treat chronic conditions such as endometriosis.

Ayurveda does not oppose modern medicine, my view is shared by the wider Ayurveda community that the strengths of both systems are required to best serve the needs of the population.

The five element theory - air, ether, fire, water and earth

The theory of Ayurveda is based on the existence of these five elements. They are present in nature as well as all living beings. The elements are the fundamental building block of all life. When two of these elements come together biological energies are formed called doshas. These energies govern all biological and psychological functions of the body and mind.



Air and Ether (space)

The energy of movement. People who naturally have more vata in their constitution are creative, talkative, sociable and enthusiastic. When out of balance they can become nervous, anxious and unable to sit still. Physical signs of imbalance include; dry skin, cracking joints, pain, constipation, erratic digestion, bloating and insomnia.


Fire and Water

The Energy of transformation. People who naturally have more pitta in their constitution are good leaders, quick thinkers, driven and ambitious. When out of balance this can lead to being overly critical, irritated, impatient and frustrated. Physical signs of imbalance include; heartburn, reflux, heavy menstrual flow, diarrhoea, rashes, hot flushes, excessive thirst and an insatiable appetite.


Water and Earth

The energy for growth and repair. People who naturally have more kapha in their constitution are grounded, calm, loyal and nurturing. When out of balance they can easily withdraw, internalise emotions and become attached. Physical signs of imbalance include; weight gain, lethargy, slow sluggish digestion, mucus in stools, frequent colds and congestion.


We are all born with a unique expression of all three of the doshas, the ratios in which each element is expressed and how they interact within our body determines our personality traits, physical appearance, likes, dislikes and qualities of the mind. Some people may relate strongly to one of the dosha descriptions above, this suggests those corresponding elements are dominant within their constitution. Others will relate to aspects of each meaning their constitution has a more balanced expression of the elements. Your exact combination is unique to you.

This is a simplified representation of a very complex science, it is not to suggest there are only three different types of people!

Our constitution (known in Ayurveda as prakruti) is assigned at conception and remains largely constant throughout our lifetime. Life flows when we are in this state, we live intuitively and are at our healthiest. However, in today’s society, this state is hard to maintain. The doshas can easy get pulled out of their assigned combination by diet and lifestyle choices, phases of life (e.g menopause), trauma, emotions and stress. When the doshas deviate from their original balance they contribute to the development of symptoms and disease progression.