Hi, I’m Lara, I’m a Pharmacist and Ayurvedic Practitioner specialising in the treatment of endometriosis.

I offer women who have a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of endometriosis a natural and holistic approach to symptom management. It is possible to achieve remission and a pain free period.

Through Ayurveda, I dedicate my practice to women who want support and answers beyond hormones, pain medication and surgery. I meet you where you are on your health journey, your route to diagnosis, symptoms and experiences are unique and therefore you deserve a tailored treatment approach.

So many women fight for years only to receive a diagnosis of a chronic and debilitating condition for which modern medicine currently has no cure or robust treatment options. During my time as a senior clinical Pharmacist, I spent rotations on specialist surgical wards for women undergoing surgery for endometriosis. For many, this wasn’t their first surgery and there was a sense of knowing it wouldn’t be their last, just another major hurdle that comes with an endometriosis diagnosis. Current best practices can provide relief for some women, but there is a growing need for women to be supported holistically. It is my passion to provide this much needed option.

Finding Ayurveda

As a Pharmacist, I have a long-standing love and appreciation for science and medicine. However, from my clinical experience, I feel like so much is missing and overlooked in modern medicine. Healthcare professionals are not routinely taught about the importance of a holistic approach when treating chronic conditions.

I’ve always been aware of the importance of nutrition and lifestyle but I found it difficult to prioritise my health whilst working in the NHS. The high stress, targets and night shifts quickly took their toll and I realised this wasn’t the environment I wanted to work in or the way I wanted to use my skills to help people. I knew I needed to go back and study again but my criteria seemed quite limiting. I wanted a holistic and alternative approach but I still wanted a scientific basis, luckily I found both in Ayurvedic medicine. Ayurveda is the world’s oldest medical system with science and compassion at its core, it is recognised by The World Health Organisation.

Together with the wider Ayurvedic community, I do not oppose modern medicine and particulary in the case of endometriosis, specialist excision surgery. Each healthcare system has its strengths and limitations and to truly serve the needs of the population we need a combination of both. Ayurveda is not a replacement for modern medicine but in the treatment of chronic disease, I believe it has a vital role to play.

In the UK, Ayurveda is classed as a form of alternative or complementary medicine. Whether you are looking for an alternative to western treatments or a complementary approach, I can guide and support you on this journey to reducing your pain and trusting your body again.

My Mission

To bring more compassion, time and empathy to women’s health. I aim to empower individual health and wellbeing through Ayurveda and to draw attention to this powerful science as an effective way to manage chronic conditions such as endometriosis.

I hope that one day all school-aged girls will be taught that period pain is not normal and that nutrition and lifestyle changes are made accessible to all whenever appropriate.

I am based in Clapham, London but I hold all consultations online.


Some of my clients are referred to me by their gynaecologist. If you are a medical professional and would like to know more about how my work can benefit your patients, you can contact me here.


Reading University - Masters of Pharmacy Degree (MPharm)

St Georges University Hospital London - Pharmacy Pre-registration clinical training

The Ayurveda Institute UK - Ayurvedic Lifestyle and Nutrition Accredited with the Association of Ayurvedic Professionals (AAPUK) and The Complimentary Medical Association

The Ayurveda Institute UK - Ayurvedic Practitioner course, graduated with high distinction. Accredited with the Association of Ayurvedic Professionals (AAPUK) and The Complementary Medical Association (CMA)

Continual professional development:

The Integrative Women’s Health Institute, Clinical Mastermind Programme

Futher Ayurvedic study under Dr Radhamony (BAMS), and Dr Vignesh Devraj (BAMS)

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