Is your body out of balance?


symptoms are our bodies’ way of communicating with us

In the development of chronic disease, symptoms usually progress slowly, starting off subtle and infrequent, often appearing as just a whisper; at this early stage they can be easy to ignore. Overtime if symptoms are left they can become progressively ‘louder’, forcing us to pay attention and do something about them.

Ayurveda not only recognises all the disorders and diseases that western medicine does, but it also acknowledges the subtle signs and whispering symptoms long before the disease has fully manifested. Recognising these signs early is important for disease prevention.

Being able to understand and interpret the signs and symptoms that our bodies give us is empowering and allows us to make the subtle adjustments that most benefit our long term health.

Signs of imbalance:

  • Bloating

  • Gas

  • Headache 

  • Constipation

  • Fatigue

  • Irritability 

  • Food craving (esp. sugar)

  • Bad breath

  • Coating on tongue 

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Period pain (any at all)


1. Accumulation (sanchaya) – This stage is very subtle, symptoms are often intermittent. For example mild and occasional bloating, sugar cravings, or a feeling of fullness. The body does what it can to create an aversion to the causative factor and creates an intentional craving to restore balance. For example; after eating too much sugar we may crave spicy food, this opposite quality can be enough to bring balance at this early stage.

2. Provocation (prakopa) – If balance is not restored, symptoms, although still relatively mild can become more frequent. These symptoms are still localised to the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms are manageable with over the counter medication such a Gaviscon for heartburn or Buscopan for cramps. However as these medications do not address the root cause, symptoms can progress to stage three. Small dietary changes and some home remedies are often enough to bring balance. With an understanding of Ayurveda and it’s principle it is possible to address an imbalance yourself at these first two stages.

3. Spread (prasara) - Further aggravation will cause the imbalance to leave its localised site in the gastrointestinal tract and enter the circulatory system. Symptoms may include dry skin, cracking joints, ringing in the ears, rashes, heartburn, congestion and water retention. Unfortunately, at this stage our body now craves foods and activities that results in a further exacerbation of symptoms. For this reason, conditions that have progressed beyond intermittent or mild digestive symptoms working with a practitioner is recommended.

4. Deposition or localisation (sthana samsraya) – Toxins that have been created from digestive imbalances travel throughout the body via the circulatory system until they find a weak spot and settle. For example in a weakened joint caused by a previous injury, or in the lungs of someone with childhood asthma. Signs are symptoms of disease are clearly defined at this stage.

5. Manifestation (vyakti) - Qualitative changes can be seen in the tissues and organs in which the disease has now manifested in. The function of that joint, tissue or organ becomes compromised. Symptoms will depend of the area effected but pain, inflammation and swelling are common.

6. Differentiation or Destruction (bheda) - Structural changes become apparent and the surrounding areas can show signs of damage too. Additional complications begin to be seen.

This process is different for everyone, it may take decades for a disease to progress through these stages. The time in which an imbalance takes to manifest into a chronic disease also depends on the type of imbalance, baseline health, diet and lifestyle. Our daily habits and choices can both slow and hasten the disease process.


Food incompatibilities


The AYURVEDIC approach to nutrition