Client testimonals

“I came to Lara because I had been suffering with intense pain; my pelvis felt inflamed around the first days of my period and I had nausea so bad it would stop me from sleeping but make it very difficult get of out of bed. After just one session with Lara, and after following the course of herbs and diet, my next period was totally pain free and three months later, has continued to be so! Lara is a warm, compassionate and thorough practitioner and carefully combed through all the facets of my life in order to create a plan for me. I felt her genuine care and support throughout and really appreciated all the yummy recipes she sent me. I feel well equipped now to eat and take care of myself appropriately during my cycles – even though I thought I’d been pretty healthy before! It’s such a relief not to dread my period – thank you Lara!” — Hebe, Therapist

‘I reached out to Lara to help control pain related to endometriosis. I described the pain as a ‘hot iron’ that nothing seemed to help. I have previously had laparoscopic surgery where endo was found and removed from my bladder and bowel. The endometriosis returned a year later. I have also been on medroxyprogesterone but decided to stop due to the side effects. My GP prescribed the pill and naproxen, neither of which I wanted to take. After only two sessions with Lara, my pain reduced greatly and I no longer have severe bloating. I understand my food triggers and therefore feel much more confident managing my symptoms. Despite recent stressful events in my life, my pain has not flared like it would have done previously. Lara is knowledgeable and supportive. She considered all aspects of my health and well-being and created a detailed plan to help me get control back over my symptoms. My pain is now minimal, I can’t believe the difference’ — Suzanne, Healthcare professional.

‘Lara's practice is more than just for physical health, but for your whole self, mind, spirit and body. She helped me understand the triggers in my life and provided practices to keep myself in balance. I now understand the type of dosha I am and feel armed with a toolkit to support myself in the future in stressful times (both emotionally and physically). - I'd recommend Lara to other women who are looking for support and tools that can aid you for life.’ — Holly

‘I have been working with Lara for several months now, and the change in my symptoms has been dramatic. I was diagnosed with endometriosis in my early 20’s and I feel like I’ve gone through the mill with appointments, tests, hormones and almost daily pain medications. I began looking for an alternative approach because I didn’t like the idea of being reliant on my medication. As well as chronic pain and heavy periods I was also experiencing bloating, low energy and general frustration that endometriosis seemed to be dictating my life. I had heard of Ayurveda before (I practice yoga) but I didn’t think it was much more than a wellness practice – it isn’t, it’s been so insightful and it sounds strange but life seems lighter and I feel healthier and happier now than I can remember. Lara has been a blessing, so compassionate and knowledgeable, she cannot do enough to help you. For once I felt confident I could heal, and I am, I’ve used my pain medication only twice this month, which would have been impossible before. Thank you so much for all your help’ - Clare - Teacher

‘I have worked with many Ayurvedic Doctors before, but working with Lara is the first time I have seen such fast results! Perhaps because I have been able to put the changes into practice as I found them actually quite realistic to implement. I’ve had my first pain-free period in 3 years, my skin has also become smoother and clearer. Lara is so kind and patient in helping me understand my imbalance and the root cause of my symptoms. She took the time to thoroughly answer all my many questions and provided a detailed yet achievable plan to follow. I would highly recommend her to anyone wanting to take their health into their own hands and truly heal from the inside out.’ - Annabelle - Yoga teacher

‘Lara listened intently to my symptoms, questioned me on my diet lifestyle and other factors before analysing my hormone imbalance. She carefully coached me over several months to make the necessary changes at an achievable rate. She was always professional, empathetic and checked on my progress every few weeks until my symptoms resolved.’ - Diana - Physiotherapist

‘I cannot thank Lara enough! After suffering from IBS and acid reflux for more than 10 years and seeking help from multiple “top” Healthcare Professionals it was such a relief to hear Lara’s explanations for my symptoms and her simple yet powerful advice and recommendations for healing. Lara’s understanding of both the Western and Eastern approaches to health is a powerful combination. As a healthcare professional myself I was becoming very frustrated with my symptoms. I had what many would consider a “healthy” diet eating minimally processed foods. Lara educating me about foods/food combinations that could be exacerbating my symptoms was game-changing for me. I was concerned about a restrictive diet after past experience with the low FODMAP diet but Lara’s approach is not restrictive at all and very flexible. I had been taking acid suppression medication for >10 years and tried multiple times to come off them. After just one week of following Lara’s recommendations, I no longer needed any acid suppression medication! My IBS symptoms which were severe and occurred daily have dramatically reduced and If they now occur I can easily identify the triggers. Overall Lara’s non-judgemental, approachable, in-depth consultations, her acknowledgement of the whole body and understanding of the root causes gave me the belief for the first time that I can fully heal. Thank you Lara. I now feel so much happier and confident in my own skin. Also your easy, simple, super tasty recipes made me fall in love with cooking again, Thank you!’ - Emma - Pharmacist

If you would like to find out more about the Ayurvedic approach to nutrition for endometriosis, including tips and recipes please download my free guide below.